Posted Feb 23. 2022

Photo Credit: Texas Size Bullies a.k.a. Venomline
Today's post will be about the American Bully Breed, specifically it's origin and what distinguishes it as its own breed.
"Is it a blue nose?"
"Oh my goodness, a pocket pit? "
These are just some of the comments we receive when Zara is out an about. Most often, gets mistaken for the American Pit Bull Terrier. Sometimes she gets confused for a Staffordshire Terrier or an American Bulldog. Personally, it gets a bit old clarifying her breed in front of people, but it feels good to know that we're spreading awareness. I can't blame them, the American Bully breed isn't well know and it still relatively new!
The American Bully originated in the U.S. between 1980 to 1990. Ancestry can be traced back to the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT). With over 100 years of evolution and breeding, a specific build, structure, and temperament was attained, distinguishing itself as the American Bully. Although the APBT is in the American Bully ancestry, it DOES NOT mean that an American Bully is an APBT, these are two completely different breeds. Over time, influences from the American Bulldog, English Bulldog, and Olde English Bulldogge were infused to fine tune the desired physical characteristics and personality traits of the American Bully we see today.
Main characteristics of the American Bully are:
Solid, well defined muscular frame
Compact, thick set structure
Males being stockier and heavier boned than females
Personality traits include:
Loyal and devoted temperament
Happy and outgoing
Gentle and affectionate towards people
Confident but not aggressive
Obedient and aiming to please
We'll go into more details on the traits of the American Bully another time.
The American Bully was first recognized by the American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC) in 2004. "According to the ABKC, the initial desire for this breed was to produce a dog with a lower prey drive and more of the bully traits and characteristics than the American Staffordshire Terrier." The United Kennel Club (UKC) recognized the breed in 2013.
There are 4 classes of the American Bully separated by height:
There are two other classes, Micro and XXL, however they are not recognized by kennel clubs at this time.
That's a brief history of the breed. Since the breed is still relatively new, we'll see how the standards change, if at all, over time.